Anna-Varney: …to a certain degree perhaps. JUSA is the marriage of two principles, as you can find it illustrated and expressed in the logo of Sopor Aeternus. It about describes the following:
as long as Saturn (Cronos) rules in autocracy, he faces life entirely negative... - he denies it. But when deprived of his powers under the reign of the tolerant Jupiter, he turns his view forward, frees himself from sheer transience, and his formerly restrictive principle becomes a stimulation of development. Having learned from his past-time experiences, he now supports a restriction to the essence, emphasizing this essence by killing and restricting all things unimportant. In this quality he becomes the "keeper of the threshold", who uses his scythe to mercilessly cut off any unnecessary things. (Often illustrated in the image of "the reaper"). No-one ever gets beyond him to the other side, who has not lost a few feathers... - the colourful feathers of multiple interests and attributes of this world.