Любая Тень разительно отличается от своего хозяина… Они тоже считают нас своими Тенями…(с)
Для faroceja:
Member Statistics:
Total Students: 9857
Gryffindor Students: 2319
Hufflepuff Students: 3118
Raveclaw Students: 2537
Slytherin Students: 1883
Total Professors: 39
Spring Term 2010 Enrollment is CLOSED. Summer Term 2010 enrollment will open June 20, 2010. You can take up to 10 classes per term, however you only need 3 quills in order to advance to the next year.
Member Statistics:
Total Students: 9857
Gryffindor Students: 2319
Hufflepuff Students: 3118
Raveclaw Students: 2537
Slytherin Students: 1883
Total Professors: 39
Spring Term 2010 Enrollment is CLOSED. Summer Term 2010 enrollment will open June 20, 2010. You can take up to 10 classes per term, however you only need 3 quills in order to advance to the next year.
и насчет отбоя - там все по английскому времени или американскому?
это что такое? )
Пока не знаю.